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See more of LOOF on Facebook Log In or Create new account See more of LOOF on Facebook Log In Forgot account?Gather your friends and watch videos together remotely in real time Add videos to the queue for everyone to enjoy and chat about them all within the siteThat the person being CALLED a loof is an idiot
Bonjour à tous, Je vous propose à la réservation mon dernier chaton typé Maine coon de la portée qui reste Maman Pandora (non loof) black silver Papa Oscar de Laf (loof ) blue silverLoof in American English (luːf) noun Nautical 1 the tapering of a hull toward the stern 2 rare the broad after part of the bows of a vessel 3 rare luff (sense 1) Most material © 05, 1997, 1991Loof or Lööf (Swedish variant) is a Germanic surname that may refer to Annie Lööf (born 19), Swedish politician;

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